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Bush signs Tribunals Law. US Now a Third World Dictatorship.

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Bush signs Tribunals Law. US Now a Third World Dictatorship.

Postby stix on Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:26 am

Bush signs Military Commissions Act of 2006. It was essentially rubber stamped in the Senate and the House by Republicans and a very few Democrats.

What a dark day for the US.

The American Civil Liberties Union called the new law "one of the worst civil liberties measures ever enacted in American history".

"The president can now - with the approval of Congress - indefinitely hold people without charge, take away protections against horrific abuse, put people on trial based on hearsay evidence, authorise trials that can sentence people to death based on testimony literally beaten out of witnesses and slam shut the courthouse door for habeas petitions," ACLU executive director Anthony Romero said in a statement.




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Postby Ian on Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:49 am

I think people are forgetting that we fought against stuff like this in WWII. Between the wiretapping and stuff like this, its starting to sound more and more like communist Russia. What next.. the KGB? Oh wait.. we have that. It's call the FBI.
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Postby Spazmogen on Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:39 am


lets not forget the individual states also have state their own agencies.
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Postby burninfool on Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:32 pm

I like it...now I feel all safe and cozy. :^o
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Postby Ian on Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:43 pm

burninfool wrote:I like it...now I feel all safe and cozy. :^o

Sadly, a lot of people are willing to trade in their freedoms just so they can feel safe.
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