I have noticed that the 'good' CDR (not DVD-R) media, i.e TY, is getting harder and harder to come by. It used to be ALL Fuji, some Memorex and "Made-in-Japan" Maxell were the kings. Even Verbatim has changed. I've now noticed way more "Made-In-Tawain" Fuji, Maxell, and Verbatim. Verbatim has changed their packaging look entirely and appeared to have dropped the Azo DataLife Plus discs that my Plextor loves? And Made In Tawain doesn't bode well for the media being TY--more likely "inferior" CMC or Ritek.
Can anyone shed any light about who (name brand) is using what now?
P.S. Just waiting for local B&M to get the Plextor 712. It would be nice to have the dual-layer, but they finally added my most-hoped feature: GigaRec. As a DJ I CANNOT do without this amazing technology since 90% of my discs are GR recorded with my current Premium. I have very little issue if I keep speed to 1.2x and disc under 96min.