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difference between dma and pio modes?

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difference between dma and pio modes?

Postby elpipetuanis on Sat Feb 01, 2003 2:20 am

What is the differece between these two settings. I have read some different posts here and really have not got a real clear answer. The reason being is that i just bought a Lite-on 48x24x48 cdrw and it will not work under dma mode. It only works under pio mode. Is there a disadvantage with using pio mode? Is this something to worry about? I have a Gigabyte GA 7vdx+ mobo. I do not have the latest bios meaning that could be the problem? any answers would be great. Thanks!!
Last edited by elpipetuanis on Sat Feb 01, 2003 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cfitz on Sat Feb 01, 2003 2:34 am

Read through the FAQ, particularly the links provided in the last post by dodecahedron:


In short, PIO has the big disadvantages of being slower and less efficient (it puts a big load on your processor). You definitely want to use DMA, not PIO. And your drive does support DMA (Ultra-DMA mode 2, to be more specific).

Read these FAQs for how to enable DMA:


If you still have problems, post back here.

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