beach-hobo wrote:Ian wrote:I was at Office Max today and saw that they were selling a DVD writer from a company called Digital Max. The drive on the box was obviously a Lite-On and the serial number on the side was very Lite-On-ish. The text too was very similar to what Lite-On prints on their boxes.
So is this a new sub brand from Lite-On? Is it just for Office Max?
Digital Max is part of the Lite-On-It Corporation. My rebate is coming directly from Lite-On. The drive is a 1635S in the box. Great buy for $15.00 with discounts/rebates applies...
Actually there are two different drives under that name:
Digital Max DRW-3S163 = Lite On SOHW 1633S (older).
Digital Max DRW-5S163 = Lite On SHW-1635S (newer).
I bought the DRW-5S163 ($25 AMIR) and flashed it to a SHW-1635S.
I also bought a SHW-1635S from Newegg when they had them.