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Postby big681 on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:21 pm

I have recently purchased a pine 24x10x40 cdrw it works fine so far but it came with little info as to drive specs.I have tried there support sites, nothing. the only info I have is this it uses Justlink manu date oct 2001 taiwan p/n9160D37.041 and s/n14409244KNA2 + also on install while doing sys check it id as Plextor but I cant get it to repeat this can you help,want to know if it supports RAW
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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:21 pm

have you installed the drive? what does identify itself as?
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Postby big681 on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:21 pm

Device Manager calls it 24x10x40 cdrw.big help however while cruzing the reviews after my last posting I found that the Aopen drives looks and the Nero5 that came with it are about the same ,best clue yet but I dont want to download any firmware from Aopen on that evidance.
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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:22 pm

What does Nero see the drive as?
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Postby big681 on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:22 pm

Nero calls it 24x10x40 cdrw.I have also received an email from pine ,it says to read the read me file? well the only software it came with is nero5.5xx same as came with the aopen and I cant find a readme in nero that has anything to do with pine cdrw's
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