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DVD- VS DVD+ ??? Whats the difference? Help!

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DVD- VS DVD+ ??? Whats the difference? Help!

Postby BillyG on Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:55 am

I bought the Lite-On LDW-411S drive at Best Buy's "black friday" sale and im confused about what DVD discs to buy.

Whats the difference between DVD+ and DVD- discs? Which are the best or cheapest. And also what is the best DVD burning software? Im disapointed the drive only came with Sonic My DVD and not Nero 6. Im a newbie to burning DVD discs so if anyone can give me a explanation or a link to a website for help THANKS!
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Postby TheWizard on Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:05 am

In its plainest sense, DVD- and DVD+ are merely two formats of the same thing. You can find plenty of posts on the forums here stating facts and opinions about the two formats, but the easiest analogy I can come up with is comparing DVD- and DVD+ to bar soap and liquid soap. Both will get you clean, they are just different formats of the same thing.
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Postby integspec on Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:16 am

If you already have a Nero (non OEM) version, you should be able to use it with 411. Better yet, why don't you skip 411 and go to 811. Once the 8x media becomes widely available you will find it very convenient.

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Postby BillyG on Thu Dec 04, 2003 7:38 am

integspec wrote:If you already have a Nero (non OEM) version, you should be able to use it with 411. Better yet, why don't you skip 411 and go to 811. Once the 8x media becomes widely available you will find it very convenient.

I picked up the 411 at Best Buy's "Black Friday" sale for 80 dollars after rebate. I have been impressed with Lite-On CD-RW drives and thought it would be a good drive to learn how to make and copy DVD's on.

I havent seen the 811 and 8X media where I live (East Texas). It wasnt until this summer until I started seeing Lite-On products on shelves here. If you wanted a Lite-On you had to buy a rebranded Memorex, Cendyne, Buslink, Verbatim etc.
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