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C2 errors using LiteOn 52327S

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C2 errors using LiteOn 52327S

Postby digitalpimp on Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:06 pm

Hi guys,

I am the proud new owner of a LiteOn 52327S. I have a question though. Using Kprobe, I am getting around 8-9 C2 errors on every disk i burn, almost in the same spot on the cd (around 550ish mb). I am using FUJI 48X CD-R media (TY). Additionally, burn speed doesn't seem to affect it either- ive tried from 40x up and it doesn't change anything.

Should I RMA this puppy to Newegg and get a replacement? Oh yeah, and when I reboot my pc, i get two quick cricket-sounding chirps from the 52327S. Does anyone else hear these sounds from their 52327S upon rebooting?

Thanks in advance,

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Buffer Underrun
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Postby digitalpimp on Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:23 pm

i think i got a bad batch of fujis.

using imation media (i know yuck right but i bought them a long time ago 24x media) and no c2 errors (although the imation cd had 100x the c1 errors of the fuji).

flashed to qs09 firmware, and the number of c2 errors went up burning the same files to around 17-19 on the fuji media, consistently in the same area; therefore, i think its the media

thanks all

Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Albert Einstein
Buffer Underrun
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Postby Infinity on Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:30 pm

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