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FUJI 100Pk packaging, look like Imation style... still TY?

Burn baby burn!

Postby airtommy on Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:08 pm

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Postby Inertia on Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:29 pm

I ordered the Best Buy Fuji-100-Pack 48x CD-R Disc Spindle on 8/11 and received it today 8/22, shipped free by U.S. Snail Mail for $9.99 after rebate.

It was, as hoped and expected the two 50 pack package of "Made in Japan" Taiyo Yuden discs. :)

Unlike the Liteon LTR-52327S I ordered which was left to rattle in its outer box, the Fuji discs came carefully packed in a box with bubble wrap. Go figure. :-? The shipping folks at Best Buy must think a spindle of CD-Rs is more likely to suffer from shipping damage than a burner with its sensitive adjustments and components. :-? Maybe they are afraid that some bits or spirals will drop off the blank CD-Rs if they are not carefully packaged. Never mind that the polycarbonate used in CD-Rs can be used to make bulletproof barriers. :D

There was also a surprise included in the box, a free disc of Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition. Although this a free download, the download is 134 MB. With a slow connection, you would have to be desparate for this program to download it. The free CD version has some extras thrown in and contains 213 MB of data.
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fuji made in taiwan not TY

Postby thetiger on Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:20 pm

I just received a shipment of fuji 100 pack of cdr from best buy. they are not TY and are not made with cyanide. they are greenish. the package has a sharp top like the cmc magnetics and imation 100 packs. :evil: I may try to return these.

from nero disc info:
Manufacturer : Prodisc
Code : 97m32s19f
Disc Type : CD-R
Usage : General
Recording Layer : Dye Type 9: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Recording Speed : n/a
Capacity : 79:59.72
703 MB
Additional Capacity : n/a
Overburn Capacity : not tested

from cdrdao:

[CDRDAO Disk Info]
Cdrdao version 1.1.7
ASPI: D:\WINNT\system32\WnAspi32.dll
1,0,0: LITE-ON LTR-40125S Rev: ZS0N
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
That data below may not reflect the real status of the inserted medium. Reload the medium in this case.
Total Capacity: 79:57:72 (359847 blocks, 702/807 MB)
CD-R medium: Prodisc Technology Inc.
Short Strategy Type, e.g. Phthalocyanine
Recording Speed: n/a
CD empty: YES
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Postby rdgrimes on Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:03 pm

are not made with cyanide

I believe you mean Cyanine. Why not try them and post an error scan? Prodisc has been known to make some decent media, though not reliably.

They have the standard TY ATIP lead-out code, so they may in fact be something other than what is being indicated. If they're greenish in color, that usually indicates Cyanine. Maybe you could compare them to TY and se if they're the same color.
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Postby Inertia on Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:21 pm

The ATIP code 97m32s19f indicates manufacture by Prodisc Technology using phthalocyanine dye.


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Postby thetiger on Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:33 pm

yes I meant cyanine. which is blue. my ty fuji I have are blue. these I just got are not, they are light green. I thought discs made with cyanine (blue) are always the better discs compared with phthalocyanine dye (green). I am going to best buy to see if they have any made in japan in stock. these I got where made in taiwan and have a sharp top edge.
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Postby rdgrimes on Mon Aug 25, 2003 7:10 pm

which is blue

In the eyes of the beholder, I guess. TY are green to me. They probably are Prodisc. In any case, for the price, there's no reason not to try them.
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Postby thetiger on Mon Aug 25, 2003 10:53 pm

I went to best buy to try to exchange them for some ty and they had some of the dual 50 pack bundles and some more of the new design with the sharp top 100 pack spindles. they told me I couldn't exchange them for the same online price so I just returned them. next time I will only buy them in the store.
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Postby thetiger on Mon Aug 25, 2003 10:56 pm

rdgrimes wrote:
which is blue

In the eyes of the beholder, I guess. TY are green to me. They probably are Prodisc. In any case, for the price, there's no reason not to try them.

all the phthalocyanine dye cdrs look greenish yellow and the cyanine dye looks blue to me. I thought all cyanine made cd were best such as tyuo yuden, mitsumi, mitsubishi, riteck. is this wrong?
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Postby thetiger on Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:06 pm

Inertia wrote:I ordered the Best Buy Fuji-100-Pack 48x CD-R Disc Spindle on 8/11 and received it today 8/22, shipped free by U.S. Snail Mail for $9.99 after rebate.

Unlike the Liteon LTR-52327S I ordered which was left to rattle in its outer box, the Fuji discs came carefully packed in a box with bubble wrap. Go figure. :-? The shipping folks at Best Buy must think a spindle of CD-Rs is more likely to suffer from shipping damage than a burner with its sensitive adjustments and components. :-? Maybe they are afraid that some bits or spirals will drop off the blank CD-Rs if they are not carefully packaged. Never mind that the polycarbonate used in CD-Rs can be used to make bulletproof barriers. :D

the cd spindle I receive in the mail was slightly damaged. the bottom was broken off from the cover and the outer wrapper was torn. so it wasn't perfect. I like my cds perfect.
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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:10 am

I thought all cyanine made cd were best

There are equally good and bad examples of each type. Pthalo tends to stand up better to very high speed burning, cyanine tends to be more stable long term. But for burn quality and read-ability, there's no deffinite winner. It all depends on the maker of the disc.
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Mystery Solved....

Postby minchin on Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:40 am

Well, finally, someone found the truth.... so it seems that Fuji is not longer a sure bet for TY media.... I hope this is not a trend....
Memorex used to have some TY (white top)... now all I can find are Silver top Ritek.
Gees, where can one fine some decent TY stuff now?

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Postby thetiger on Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:49 am

I also sent a message to fujifilmmediasource telling them I prefered ty and not prodisc. perhaps if more of us give feedback they will use mostly ty and stick to them.

I usually use cdrs for movies and burn at 8 or 12x, should I use cmc mag. media for movies and burn slightly faster because they don't burn at slow speeds sucessfully?
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:39 am

Simple solution, folks (and thetiger already mentioned this), buy Fuji media in the store and make sure it says "Made in Japan" on the spindle. :)

BTW, Prodisc are not bad discs at all. I would be disappointed if I ordered Fujis online and was sent Prodiscs, only because most Fuji discs are made by TY, but frankly, I wouldn't mind Prodiscs at all.
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Postby taxman150 on Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:14 pm

TheWizard wrote:
Simple solution, folks (and thetiger already mentioned this), buy Fuji media in the store and make sure it says "Made in Japan" on the spindle. :)

Assuming Fuji has made the switch to Prodisc for the future, this solution will only work until existing old stock of Fuji TY discs are sold. Best Buy goes through a lot of Fuji blanks with all of its specials, so I would imagine that old stock would clear out relatively quickly. It would be nice to hear from someone at Fuji whether this is actually the case or not, although I don't know if they would be willing to provide such information anyway. It doesn't seem to be that far-fetched from a business perspective - I'm sure Prodisc can offer lower costs than TY.

While Prodiscs are better than many alternatives, its still a sad day for those who enjoyed getting high quality Japanese made media at extremely low prices - especially when the rebate specials were run at Best Buy and Comp USA. There doesn't seem to be any other sources for TY media at such low prices on a regular basis. I've burned about 1,500 Fuji TY discs since the beginning of this year and look forward to stocking up every time Best Buy or Comp USA has a special going.
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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:21 pm

Assuming Fuji has made the switch to Prodisc for the future

This is a huge assumption. 100ct spindles are a new product, there's no reason to jump to the conclusion that other products will be switched to Prodisc. There's also no reason to assume they are in any way "inferior" discs, time will tell that. Personally, I feel that Fuji has earned the benefit of the doubt where media quality is concerned. We shall see. The only thing that concerns me about Prodisc is that in the past they have sold widely varying quality media with the same ATIP on the stamper, which makes it hard to know what you've got, or they just have had widely varying quality control.
But a few emails to Fuji expressing concern about this development would certainly be appropriate, maybe someone will get an answer to the above questions.
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Postby taxman150 on Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:34 pm

rdgrimes wrote:
Assuming Fuji has made the switch to Prodisc for the future

This is a huge assumption.

I agree completely. By saying this, I simply meant that "if" they have switched suppliers for all of their cd-r products, the old stock of TY made Fuji's is not going to last forever to be picked up at a store whenever you want to buy it. I was not trying to infer that I assumed that this switch has definitely occurred, and in fact, I hope that it hasn't.

IMO, Fuji has earned their reputation for quality due to the inherent quality of the TY media that they used. They should be commended for sticking with the higher quality media when their competitors started buying cheaper Taiwanese made media. Maybe they got sick of seeing their competitors (Memorex, Maxell (for some products), Imation, etc.) use cheaper Taiwanese media and sell their products for essentially the same prices. In this business environment, if Fuji feels that it can cut its product cost without sacrificing too much in terms of quality, I doubt that they are going to let any longstanding relationship with TY stand in the way.

Personally, my hope is that I can continue to find TY made Fuji media for the foreseeable future. I just don't think its a good sign when you see other non-TY media start popping up.
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Postby cfitz on Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:16 pm

rdgrimes wrote:100ct spindles are a new product

I don't believe that they are new. 100-disc spindles of Taiyo Yuden CD-R in the familiar Taiyo Yuden packaging (except taller) have been sold in the past, although they tend to be rare in my experience. Here are a couple of examples branded as Memorex:


http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 2567#52567

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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:22 pm

100ct Fuji spindles are a new product, is what I meant.
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Postby minchin on Wed Aug 27, 2003 9:59 pm

As for me, I don't mind paying a bit more for TY. I have used a lot of Imation, Ritek and TY stuff. I have to say, TY usually are more compatible with high speed drives (more drive will burn it at higher speed than competing product).
Although I feel (no scientific/statistics basis) TY media seem to resist scraches a bit better than others....
I know that Meritline sells TY media... just not as cheap when BB or CompUSA runs special....

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Postby TheWizard on Wed Aug 27, 2003 10:47 pm

It may come to a point when people have to purchase TY media online, for example through Meritline.com. However, I don't think that will happen anytime soon. There is still TY media out there in retail stores.

BTW, speaking of buying TY media online, www.cdrplanet.com sells 100-count spindles for $32 before shipping. Meritline sells them for the same price, but CDRPlanet's shipping costs are less than Meritline's. CDRPlanet is also a very reputable vendor; they have a perfect 10.00 on ResellerRatings.com and I have personally done business with them before with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Just a shopping tip from me. :wink:
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Postby Infinity on Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:28 pm

Just got my order today, like many of you I recieved the "Made In Tawian" 100ct spindle. On my way to Best Buy to return them right now.
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:52 pm

Why would you return them without at least trying them? Considering the price, it seems like a fair value.
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:24 pm

OK, I got some of this media today, just for fun. You can see the tests posted here.
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Postby Bhairav on Fri Aug 29, 2003 2:17 am

Ah, so a 40X max burn ought to be the best on these.
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