I just received a shipment of fuji 100 pack of cdr from best buy. they are not TY and are not made with cyanide. they are greenish. the package has a sharp top like the cmc magnetics and imation 100 packs.

I may try to return these.
from nero disc info:
Manufacturer : Prodisc
Code : 97m32s19f
Disc Type : CD-R
Usage : General
Recording Layer : Dye Type 9: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Recording Speed : n/a
Capacity : 79:59.72
703 MB
Additional Capacity : n/a
Overburn Capacity : not tested
from cdrdao:
[CDRDAO Disk Info]
Cdrdao version 1.1.7
ASPI: D:\WINNT\system32\WnAspi32.dll
1,0,0: LITE-ON LTR-40125S Rev: ZS0N
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC (raw writing) - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
That data below may not reflect the real status of the inserted medium. Reload the medium in this case.
Total Capacity: 79:57:72 (359847 blocks, 702/807 MB)
CD-R medium: Prodisc Technology Inc.
Short Strategy Type, e.g. Phthalocyanine
Recording Speed: n/a
CD empty: YES