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Future Shop Deal

Postby seaegg on Sat May 14, 2005 4:28 pm

Just bought a 100 spindle of Fuji 8x DVD+Rs for $49.99 Canadian Made in Japan.
Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x

Physical Format Information (ADIP):
Disc ID: YUDEN000-T02-00
Book Type: DVD+R
Part Version: 1
Disc Size: 120mm

I wasn't looking for or needed blanks but I felt it was too good a deal to pass up. Just thought I'd let the fellas know. They also have the DVD-Rs for the same price but they're Made in Taiwan.
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Postby falberni on Sat May 14, 2005 9:39 pm

Thanks for the heads up. I'll pick some up. Those YUDEN000T02s are great.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun May 15, 2005 2:00 am

Futureshop's sale was perfect in timing... if it had happened any later it wouldn't have caused Fuji to lose a customer.

Gee, I wonder why people don't want to set up accounts with Fuji when they are selling their media wholesale to customers at higher prices then Futureshop sells them for on sale. :lol:

In other news, Maxell has now fixed this problem :D

For anyone interested, Fuji Canada has now stated that all their media is made in Japan. Common sense however has stated that their DVD-R media is all Taiwanese (or 99%) and that their DVD+Rs will be following the same route as soon as this sale removes their backlog of old DVD+R stock.
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Postby oslik3 on Sun May 15, 2005 10:27 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:their DVD+Rs will be following the same route as soon as this sale removes their backlog of old DVD+R stock.

Does it mean that eventually all Fuji Japanese DVD+Rs will be replaced with Taiwanese in the U.S. too ?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun May 15, 2005 3:42 pm

oslik3 wrote:
dolphinius_rex wrote:their DVD+Rs will be following the same route as soon as this sale removes their backlog of old DVD+R stock.

Does it mean that eventually all Fuji Japanese DVD+Rs will be replaced with Taiwanese in the U.S. too ?

With the current pricing of the market, it is almost a certainty. Fuji, and Maxell have both eroded their pricing so much that to sell their own Japanese media (or Taiyo Yuden's in the case of Fuji), they would be selling it below cost, and would end up on the same list as CMC, Ritek, Prodisc, Optodisc, Lead Data, Princo, and Gigastorage! (the list of manufacturers who posted net losses for 1st quarter of 2005).

Maxell however will continue to sell their Japanese media in the form of their Pro line, so it will still be available in Canada. Fuji on the other hand has chosen to move towards more consumer markets, and has degraded both the quality and pricing of their product line quite a bit (I'm talking their WHOLE product line, not just CD-Rs/DVDRs).

Remarkably, Sony has been holding more of a middle ground with respect to pricing and quality... it will be interesting to see how they continue as the market evolves!
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Postby RJW on Sun May 15, 2005 5:54 pm

SONY has more space as FUJI and Maxell when it comes to negotiating with TY. (Don't forget Startlab is owned by SONY and TY anc that's just a small example of the narrow relation of the 2. )

Well in Europe we got a pleasent suprise while the big brands might be dropping TY (Except for plextor offcourse who doesn't care about haveing competive prices it seems.) the budget brand Datasafe from E-net seems to have found it great idea to sell printable TY media and with the current problems they might be just there at the right time.

Also Fuji's strategy is not completely clear. The current 8x batch for which Ritek got the order might actually be the last 8x media put by them on the European market. Which means they will move to 16x dvd+r made by CMC with philips code. But for dvd-R TY is still in the race according to my last info.
Also FUJI should have more space in the 16x round if they are smart enough that is.

Maxell on the other hand seems to want to have there own 16x media on the market. However the high demand and the low rates have caused this media to be still close to japan only. So if this is not solved fast then they will need some companny to fill it and I can say that the list of suppliers for 16x media isn't very large when it comes to Maxell.
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Postby Wesociety on Sun May 15, 2005 7:38 pm

I asked Fuji USA about the possibility of using YUDEN000T03 and TYG03 for their 16x discs, but they could not comment. 8)
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon May 16, 2005 12:59 am

Wesociety wrote:I asked Fuji USA about the possibility of using YUDEN000T03 and TYG03 for their 16x discs, but they could not comment. 8)

I don't think Fuji will be using Taiyo Yuden for their 16x DVD+Rs... for 2 reasons. #1: Fuji is working VERY close with Philips and CMC already for their 16x DVD+Rs... and #2: Taiyo Yuden doesn't HAVE a 16x DVD+R readily available at this time #-o
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Postby Bhairav on Mon May 16, 2005 2:39 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:
Wesociety wrote:I asked Fuji USA about the possibility of using YUDEN000T03 and TYG03 for their 16x discs, but they could not comment. 8)

I don't think Fuji will be using Taiyo Yuden for their 16x DVD+Rs... for 2 reasons. #1: Fuji is working VERY close with Philips and CMC already for their 16x DVD+Rs... and #2: Taiyo Yuden doesn't HAVE a 16x DVD+R readily available at this time #-o

So TY 16X -R DVDs are more readily available than the T03s?
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon May 16, 2005 10:40 am

Bhairav wrote:
dolphinius_rex wrote:
Wesociety wrote:I asked Fuji USA about the possibility of using YUDEN000T03 and TYG03 for their 16x discs, but they could not comment. 8)

I don't think Fuji will be using Taiyo Yuden for their 16x DVD+Rs... for 2 reasons. #1: Fuji is working VERY close with Philips and CMC already for their 16x DVD+Rs... and #2: Taiyo Yuden doesn't HAVE a 16x DVD+R readily available at this time #-o

So TY 16X -R DVDs are more readily available than the T03s?

I can't even find someone who's able to say they've SEEN a YUDEN000T03. So far Taiyo Yuden hasn't even given an ETA for them on the distribution channels last time I checked... I'm not really sure what's up with this one :o
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Too much media...

Postby 88keyz on Mon May 16, 2005 12:29 pm

Went to my local FutureShop and managed to pick up the last 2 spindles of 100 that they had in stock. Both were "Made in Japan". I've been a diehard fan of the RICOHJPNR01 media, I've used probably 900 or so of these (and still have another 250 on the shelf) and that I can remember I've had 2 coasters, you can't beat that. I've never used any TY media but from what I've read its supposed to be the best so I think I'll save these spindles for use as my personal stock and use the RICOHJPNR01's and MCC 002's I've been stockpiling for jobs for friends. I've also got some spindles of ProdiscF01, CMC MAG. AE1 and SONY04D1 kicking around. Man, I have way too much blank DVD media! :D
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Postby mikepraba on Mon May 16, 2005 10:46 pm

I bought the 100 disk spindles today and WOW, they are awesome with my Plextor 716. i would encourage every one to rush there,, Even though their service sucks and sales people jump all over you, this was a deal you dont want to miss. This is the first time I am using TY media
and after one burn, I am hooked. May be I should pick up another spindle
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue May 17, 2005 10:17 am

Once you try TY and see the results, you'll never want to use anything less then that again! :D
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Postby Wesociety on Tue May 17, 2005 8:58 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:I don't think Fuji will be using Taiyo Yuden for their 16x DVD+Rs...
Yah, I didn't think so either but I figured I would ask since I was already asking about TYG03 :P
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Postby mikepraba on Wed May 18, 2005 9:21 pm

Hello All,
I just wanna share this with all of you, Especially if you own a Plexter DVD burner. i burned this media at 8X, 12X and finally 16X and the results,,,, guess what your guess is wrong. i couldnt believe it. After testing all three disks in plex tools, the 16X burned disc ( took 7.5 Min to complete a full 4.7gig disk)came as excellent vs 12X Very good and 8X Good. Figure this out. Gys, The sale is over Thursday (May 19th) hurry and get some, you wont regret.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu May 19, 2005 11:44 am

Wesociety wrote:
dolphinius_rex wrote:I don't think Fuji will be using Taiyo Yuden for their 16x DVD+Rs...
Yah, I didn't think so either but I figured I would ask since I was already asking about TYG03 :P

It looks like Taiyo Yuden does have YUDEN000T03 16x DVD+Rs... they just have't released them yet because there has been no demand at all. Taiyo Yuden DID offer me some, but at a horrendous price! :o I might still get some though :lol:
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Postby RJW on Sat May 21, 2005 7:57 am

DUH why put them else on the That's promo material.
Were was that PDF ? I Cant' find it back.

I did notice that the That's store which can be accessed to STARTLAB.
shows GOLD CD-R's , GOLD DVD-R's and GOLD DVD+R's.
Does someone know if this is true gold media ?

If yes then please forward it to our friends at MAM who allways claime
we are the only ones who do gold. (also forgetting MPO offcourse ) Because there is still a statement up that all That's media is made in Japan TY.

Hmm TY incombination with gold. Only shame is that they didn't trow in the ceramic coating a long. :D
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Postby MediumRare on Sat May 21, 2005 11:31 am

RJW wrote:Hmm TY incombination with gold. Only shame is that they didn't trow in the ceramic coating a long. :D

Link ? Where can I read more about this?

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat May 21, 2005 11:36 am

MediumRare wrote:
RJW wrote:Hmm TY incombination with gold. Only shame is that they didn't trow in the ceramic coating a long. :D

Link ? Where can I read more about this?


That's released a true Taiyo Yuden Gold CD-R in Japan only last year I remember, and all the calls and begging and pleading to Taiyo Yuden USA netted me zilch... I was very sad :cry:
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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