I was therefore pleasantly surprised to see them identified as RICOHJPN R03.
My first burn was with my Samsung SH-S182M, at 16x. When I did a disc quality scan in CD-DVD Speed using my old BenQ 800, the results were pretty good. Although the PI errors were not as low as I would like to see, the graph was pretty even from start to finish with no great peaks or troughs. The disc was playable in all tested devices.

I then repeated the burn with my new LG GSA-H22N. I'd flashed TDB 1.01 firmware, and also taken the riplock off with MCSE.
When I ran the CD-DVD Speed check, the resultant scan looked horrible, and the disk was not fully playable.

So I'm thinking that at the very least, my LG has a problem with this particular media. Without trying out a bunch of different media and burn speeds, is there any way I can determine if my H22N is faulty? I'm reluctant to spend time and effort producing more coasters! Has anybody out there had good results with an H22N and this media? If it wasn't for the decent results when burning with the S182M, I would have assumed that the media was just crap.