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Help with Memorex 52/24/52 CD-RW Question???

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Help with Memorex 52/24/52 CD-RW Question???

Postby wmacson on Thu Jan 16, 2003 10:07 am

Hello! First time poster, long time lurker. So here's my problem/question. I just installed a new memorex 52x24x52 cd writer into my computer(I just replaced the original hp cd writer that was there before). Everything went smoothly, however it now won't play cd roms, which in the hp writer it did. It recognizes the disc and that it is a cd rom but when you go to click on the icon, it says please insert the disc. It does the same in the dvd rom drive below it. Any idea what the problem could be? I am at a loss? When I installed the drive, and put in the nero 5.0 disc, it made me uninstall the adaptec directcd. Could this have anything to do with it? The computer is also starting to crash randomly now. What the heck is going on??? :(

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Postby Matt on Thu Jan 16, 2003 3:29 pm

So no matter what CD you put in either drive it won't recognize it? Do the drives themselves spin up when you put something in?

I would uninstall all cd-rw software and reinstall it peice by peice starting with ECZD stuff since that seems to be the most peticular. Wouldn't hurt to throw adaptec's newest ASPI on there either just after the EZCD install.
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