Greets every1.
I've always been a big Plextor enthusiast so naturally I took the only "apparently" valid option at the time (end-03) and purchased a PX-708A.
... That's it I had it with that drive! I'm gonna sell it cheap a buy a new one... good ridance Plextor.
Naturally PX-712 and 716 are *NOT* options for me to consider, I'm steering well clear of those (sorry all Plex fans, but 708A was a major letdown for me...)
So what I need is a DVD that has the follwoing capabilities (in order of preference):
1-Write quality
2-Media compatability(+R,-R,+RW,-RW)
Not really interested in
1-Read perfomance (I have a LiteOn SOHD-163T, quite good)
Perfomance is a non-issue, if it perfoms "excelent", good, if it doesn't "too bad", not a show-stopper for me.
I have it narrowed down to these 3:
1 - NEC 3500A
2 - LG GSA-4160B
3 - BenQ DW1620
I seriously thinkinh about the NEC as it is the cheapest one were I live.
Oppinions? Advices? Experiences?