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How can I burn a Video Clip to CD so I can watch it on my TV

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How can I burn a Video Clip to CD so I can watch it on my TV

Postby mc1548pi on Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:47 am

I have NERO
I would like to burn a Video Clip to CD so I can play it on my DVD player to my TV with Nero 6.
I’ve tried Nero Vision Express 3 with a 661mb Video Clip but my project says I need an 868mb Disk.
I also have some 699mb to 750mb Video Clips that I would like to burn to a 650mb or 700mb CD.

Is there a way I can do this with Nero 6?
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Postby Ian on Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:25 am

Unless you can find a way to lower the resolution, you're probably not going to be able to create a VCD out of them. If you want to retain the same quality, I'd recommend burning them to DVD instead.
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Postby mc1548pi on Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:08 am

I’ve burnt my 661mb Video Clip to DVD using Nero Vision Express 3 that used 376gb of space & it didn’t view any better than the 661mb Clip so I consider that a waste of a DVD.
It would be nice to be able to burn 4 or 5 of those Clips to one DVD.
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Postby mc1548pi on Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:09 am

I’ve burnt my 661mb Video Clip to DVD using Nero Vision Express 3 that used 376gb of space & it didn’t view any better than the 661mb Clip so I consider that a waste of a DVD.
It would be nice to be able to burn 4 or 5 of those Clips to one DVD.
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Postby mc1548pi on Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:09 am

I’ve burnt my 661mb Video Clip to DVD using Nero Vision Express 3 that used 376gb of space & it didn’t view any better than the 661mb Clip so I consider that a waste of a DVD.
It would be nice to be able to burn 4 or 5 of those Clips to one DVD.
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:34 am

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