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Liteon 48x24x48; where and which

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Liteon 48x24x48; where and which

Postby DaveF on Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:26 pm

I can't find anyplace locally to get a Liteon 48x24x48. Can anybody recommend a store or even a place online (USA). Also why are some listed as "retail" and some "oem"? Thanks
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:31 pm

Highly recommended is www.newegg.com for online purchases. Check the hot deals forum here for various deals on rebadged LiteOn's such as Memorex, Cendyne, etc. Right now Circuit City is selling a BusLink 52x that many are finding is a LiteOn.

OEM versions generally have less accessories and potentially reduced warranty support (but not always), but are usually a little cheaper.

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