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Married a psycho now getting a divorce life sucks

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Married a psycho now getting a divorce life sucks

Postby wicked1 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:16 am

I was married on Nov 5 to a local meth lords 19 year old daughter that I had known of for a few years but I had only dated for a few weeks. I knew she was a little nuts as she had been in and out of jail since she was 14 (for stabbings and drugs). Well let me explain how we hooked up in the first place. She started working at the same telemarketing company as me. Her dad was murdered June 5th by a local police officer and she has a lawsuit filed on the police department so there is a gag order preventing the police from talking to us in that county. I was in the process of making some money on the side at the time with pharmeceuticals and she wanted some. Thats how we met. She had 2 kids already 6 mths old and 2 yrs old. Well I didnt think about dating her till she was jacked at work for 250 dollars and her vehicle so I offered to take her and her kids in with me temporarily. We went on a nice big bender and ended up getting married at the local courthouse clerks office. Everything was fine till I moved in to her apartment 60 miles from here and we both quiot our jobs. The violence started. The police were called on us at least once a week. She stabbed me and sliced me a few different times. I shot a few holes in the apartment a few times. Then I came home one day to find a nice meth lab going in our kitchen and the old familiar smell of anhydrous ammonia. I threatened to get the police if she didnt destroy it immediately. She did. She agreed not to do it ever again if I wouldnt get her arrested and divorce her. I agreed as well. We agreed to quit doing drugs that day for the kids and our marriage because neither of us believed in divorce. A few more days went by and I came home again to a nasty site. My AK-47 was on the neighbors porch and a bunch of empty shells laying around. I drew my pistol and ran upstairs to see the neighbors across the hall on their hands and knees to see Kristy holding a gun to their head robbing them for a drink. I flipped out and yanked the pistol from her hand and threw her into our apartment she was tanked with whiskey. The neighbors and I had a nice talk to keep them from caling the cops she didnt shoot anything just the air with the AK. Then I went to deal with her. She was on coke,meth and whiskey. I made her go with me to enroll in an intense drug rehab program right then snd took the kids to my mothers. This was Dec 18th. Things started getting alot better. She was taking her schizophrenia meds again and no drugs or alcohol. Then her "friends" started coming by threatening me for making her stop meth production. We started going to church and working again. Things looked good. Then on Dec 31 some old friends of hers came by needing a ride to their house and she needed to go get diapers anyway so I gave her the keys to my car and said get rid of them and get the boys some diapers. I gave her money for the diapers and she left. About an hour later her friends come back without her and tell me shes in jail. They were laughing about it because she was arrested for stealing diapers when they told her too "jokingly" They didnt think shed still do it since she was a changed person.. I proceeded to beat them senseless and throw them out the door and was maced in the process. The sheriffs charged her with a class D felony (shoplifting and resisting arrest)and had her on a $10,000 bond. I got her out a few hours later. Things started getting worse again as we lost our jobs and she quit rehab and her meds. My birthday was on Jan 13th and I awoke to a nice surprise that morning a glock to my head. She was messed up again. I talked the gun out of her hands and I went in the other room to call for backup. I called my parents and they called the city police(I didnt know yet). I had had enough and was moving out till she detoxed. We both fell asleep on the couch. She didnt know what I was doing because I didnt want shot I wanted some other people with weapons their before I packed up. The knock at the door came from a familiar officer. I got up answered it and explained to him what was going on. And he agreed to simply observe me move out to keep her calm. She awoke at that time. She was pissed to say the least. She watched me pack for 10 minutes while screaming at me with the cop trying his damndest to calm her down. Then she snapped. She started hitting me repeatedly in the face. I didnt try to block at all so the cop wouldnt try to say I hit her or anything. He told her she was going to jail now for assault. She ran back to the bedroom and came out with a pot pipe with resin on it that I didnt know was in the apartment and handed it to the cop and asked if he wanted it too since he was taking her life away now. He said sure possesion and parephanelia. And then he tried to cuff her. Kristy in only 98 lbs and 5'0 tall and managed to clock the cop pretty good. Kicked him in the nuts and he got one cuff on her and she smacked him with the other cuff before he could get it on. She then tried to jump out the 2nd story window face first embedding glass in her face. He got her cuffed then and took her to the hospital where she was treated then sent to the psych ward. I pressed assault charges on her down at the station and he charged her with possesion,paraphenalia,assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. Welfare came and got the boys and took them to their biological dad(no better) I moved in with my parents. She spent 72hrs in the psychiatric wing of the hospital before escaping temporarily and then commited finally to the criminal psychiatric facility in town. I went to see her once and take her cigarettes. She apologized and begged me to drop charges becuase the cop was. I said I wanted some time apart till she got under a little better control even if that was true. I talked to her psychiatrist and he said she is too delusional to realize the truth from fantasy anymore. She has brain damage assosciated with severe inhalation of toxic gasses making meth and being around labs her whole life plus her mom did alot of drugs while she was pregnant causing alot of mental deffects to begin with.She also huffed alot of gas,freon and propane. Then the smash to the head didnt help. He said she was not getting out anytime soon.I now found out almost everything she had been saying for the last few months to me was a lie or just imagined. I called the cop that arrested her and he said like hell he was dropping charges and I shouldnt either. So I havent yet. She called me and said she was pregnant last night. I havent been able to confirm or deny this one yet. I have a restraining order on her if she ever gets out. She is being held without bail till shes sane enough for trial for both arrest dates. I am afraid she will try to have me killed by some of her crime buddys so my family (also bikers) have all been on guard and I am sitting here with my Mossberg Persuader 12 ga as I type. I want this just to end. I have had it. I am getting a divorce.My name is tatooed on her ass though hers isnt on me anywhere. =D> I dont do any drugs or drink at all. I am walking the straight and narrow for the rest of my life. My parents had forewarned me that marrying her was such a bad idea they offered me $1700 to NOT marry her till I lived with her for a few months and I could keep the money either way. God I wish I had listened. Amazing what a hot little 19yr old drug dealer and alot of pills can do to ones rational thinking. Anyway that is where I have been for the last few months. Life doesnt go much lower than its been. I am just now heal\ing from the dagger she put in my left leg during an argument. I am about ready to join the marines seriously.

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:40 am

wow.... I'm at a loss for words :o

I've forgiven g/f's for lot's of things in the past, even some pretty big stuff... but I don't think I have even HALF your ability to turn the other cheek.

Take care of yourself man, you're missed when you don't come around anymore!
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Postby cfitz on Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:56 am

Wow. Just wow. :( Are you serious? What a dreadful situation all around. I hope for everyone's sake that she is not pregnant with your child.

What can I say? Certainly separating youself from this woman is absolutely the right thing to do. Hopefully you will be able to get your own life in order once you are removed from her chaotic influence. It sounds like you are making some plans in this direction, and I encourage you to follow through with them. Stay away from all women, booze and drugs, put your energy into helping yourself, and treat this as a painful lesson that you unfortunately had to learn the hard way. And don't be afraid to seek professional medical advice to help you get through the hard times.

Good luck!

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Postby CowboySlim on Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:19 am

Good luck Wicked! Glad to see you back. You can make it man. Find a 12 step group. It works!

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Postby Ian on Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:29 am

damn wicked.. I was wondering where you've been the last few months but I never would have imagined that.

I think this is gonna be my new sig:

My name is tatooed on her ass
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Postby eric93se on Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:38 am

I don't know what to say. But there is a light at the end of that tunnel.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:49 am

wow wicked1!

it's nice to hear from you after such a long pause, but your story is...well...astounding, horrifying, outrageous!

i hope you feel better and get well soon.
like cfitz said, i sure hope she isn't really pregnant but it's only another one of her lies.
anyway, i hope you get your life toghether again quickly, sounds like you're in the right direction so good luck with it. but don't rush into any rash decisions, like joining the Marines! i don't think that would jive with your personality too well.
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Postby JamieW on Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:10 am


After reading the first 2 sentences, nothing was a surprise to me except "neither of us believed in divorce." Oh, good thing! If we eliminate the divorce rate in this country one at a time, it will take care of all the other problems like the violent, thieving, crystal meth making element of this world that irresponsibly maintains an armed house knowing they are the posing the danger that ordinary citizens seek to protect themselves against. PHEW! I feel relieved because neither of you believe in divorce.
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Postby mrmassive69 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:52 pm

I don't post much but I'm even lost for words on that one. People say take the rough with the smooth. It sounds like you've been threw the rough and nothing else muker. :(
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Postby hoxlund on Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:40 pm

im just wondering how hot was she for you to finally realize it just isn't worth it

just a tidbit of info, colorado is the meth capital of the U.S.
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Postby Boba_Fett on Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:23 pm

hoxlund wrote:im just wondering how hot was she for you to finally realize it just isn't worth it

just a tidbit of info, colorado is the meth capital of the U.S.

Heh, before you said that I was guessing Oregon was... even in my small town (population around 1000) there has been multiple meth-related drug busts. Even saw the FBI twice...
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Postby wicked1 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:44 pm

look into your statement further hoxlund. Colorado is NOT the meth capital. It is Indiana for highest amount moved through a single state. In particular Vigo,Parke,Vermillion,Clay county were all on CNN about this earlier this year. I live in a few of those counties btw. Anyway my wife is out now. Wherabouts unknown. The arresting officer is missing and the prosceutor lost the charges. :evil: :evil: :evil: Amazing what Diablos and Hells Angels pull off around here. I am honestly scared now. Psych ward wont tell me shit who picked her up or anything or even if she really is pregnant because she refused the waiver to discuss anything at that facility with me. I went to the Military recruiting center today and to join the marines with a ged it requires more college credits than I currently have otherwise I would have enlisted today.Thats bullshit that it takes college credits at all to join just because you have a ged.
Last edited by wicked1 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wicked1 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:49 pm

hell heres todays paper here http://www.indystar.com/articles/9/211248-1389-093.html

Dumb cops think people buy the pseudoepedrine>??? Hell no its stolen off of semi tractor trailer deliveries at gun point. Wal-Mart,Dollar General get hit all the time for 10,000's of pills. Trust me on this.

1600 meth labs caught in Vigo County last year heres the population of that county.

Today(2003) 104,540 or 1.7% of Indianas 6,195,643 residents.
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Postby BoGMan1a on Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:48 am

Heck, I thought that MonteLDS's Jen Saga was bad, but this is just the kind of thing that reminds me why I am single. Well, this and my own dealings with a Bi-polar Be-@ch that I was dating :oops: . Friendly reminder to all the younger guys here, never never never ever date co-workers! At least not if you intend to be at your job for the long haul.
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Postby VEFF on Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:36 pm

I can understand why you would be fearful wicked1. :(
Please be careful and I wish you the best of luck moving on!!!
At least your parents were/are there for you; that is one good thing in all of this.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:27 pm

wicked1, I would have never imagined that you went through all of that. Glad to see that you have turned your life around and are headed in the right direction. I wish you the best and good luck with the Marines. Sure as hell beats living in such an awful situation. Please stay safe and let us know of any updates.

BTW, you happen to have a pic of Kristy? Curious to see how Hot she is that you would put up with all that.
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Postby ClayBuster on Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:19 pm

Too bad the Armed Forces don't take dopeheads either. You do realize they will give you the test right.
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Postby LoneWolf on Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:40 pm

Boba_Fett wrote:
hoxlund wrote:im just wondering how hot was she for you to finally realize it just isn't worth it

just a tidbit of info, colorado is the meth capital of the U.S.

Heh, before you said that I was guessing Oregon was... even in my small town (population around 1000) there has been multiple meth-related drug busts. Even saw the FBI twice...

Michigan's pretty bad, too. We get quite a few busts for labs, and the occasional explosion that levels a house or a double-wide, depending on what community you live in.
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Postby LoneWolf on Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:43 pm

BoGMan1a wrote:Heck, I thought that MonteLDS's Jen Saga was bad, but this is just the kind of thing that reminds me why I am single. Well, this and my own dealings with a Bi-polar Be-@ch that I was dating :oops: . Friendly reminder to all the younger guys here, never never never ever date co-workers! At least not if you intend to be at your job for the long haul.

Being single is fine, but this isn't the reason to be single....reason is just you haven't found the right person yet.

I've found the right person and we were married 7 months ago, and very happy. It took me until age 30 to do it, but that meant I wasn't going to jump at the first option that looked good, I had enough time to figure out what I didn't want, and what I would and wouldn't compromise on. When the right one came around, we figured it out pretty quickly.
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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:48 pm

From LoneWolf:
When the right one came around, we figured it out pretty quickly.

That's right Monte, listen up. If she didn't think it was right soon after the start, it will never be right for her. Although she might marry you in the future for whatever other reason, it just won't be right. Which is to say, in the long run, the mariage won't be either.

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Postby UALOneKPlus on Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:34 am

Holy cow. Good luck and don't make the mistake twice with another loser girl.

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Postby wicked1 on Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:20 am

to:Claybuster I can pass ANY drug test currently. Hair (as I have NONE ANYWHERE on my body anymore for that very reason makes me feel weird shaving my legs and arms and such) or urine or sweat.

The only pictures I have availible are the 2 on my camera phone which are horrble quality but here you go. Both from the morning after we were married. One in bed with 3 dozen roses I bought and the other in the living room with her with one of my AK's.

heres my AK notice her dads funeral flowers still rotting in the background on the table and the liquor bottles scattered around.


heres still in bed

heres some pics of my wounds that are still healing from being with her.

S&W dagger stab


slices from her KaBar



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Postby Jim on Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:24 am

It sounds like she is a dependent personality type. Those types are emotionally draining in normal relationships. Obviously she learned to play the victim at an early age. There may be elements of bipolar disorder too, but hard to say without a history minus the drugs.

In any case, the only hope she would have at recovery would be in a structured, in-patient setting with long term outpatient followup. My free advice is at all costs avoid contact with her and her friends for the rest of your life. The pregnancy claim is usually a ploy dependent female personalities use. The best thing that could come of this situation is what you make of it, whether it be a new job, college, military....
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Postby JamieW on Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:09 am

What the what? Wicked, I don't mean to be harsh with you (unlike other people who I do mean to be harsh with) but...what the hell?

1. I've accidentally woken up with chicks hotter than that and left before getting their names. You need to get out of whatever crap hole you're in and go some place where women have things like "health insurance" and access to an Express and Gap so you have a better perspective when you lose your head over a chick. I know "bad picture." They're always bad pictures.

2. If daddy sells meth, and she's been in jail frequently, and has 2 kids...this is what we call "information." We - those of us in the really real world - use "information" to make decisions about courses of action that are healthy and/or profitable. We do not ignore "information" and expect the single recently out of jail young mother of two who maintains a relationship with drug manufacturing/selling friends and family to go Mrs. Cleaver. Well, I suppose she did go Mrs. Cleaver, but not in the Leave it to Beaver way. Sure, she deserved a shot at a relationship, just with someone else. That you expected a result different than the one you got doesn't mean there was anything out of the ordinary, it just means you had unrealistic expectations.

3. Not that you care, but I am highly agitated with you and those like you. You know you have a dangerous element in and around your house yet you don't secure your arms at all. I do not have that element that you do around my house and I do secure my arms (edit for having walked away while writing this sentence and it not making any damn sense). You are the reason gun control advocates get momentum. You are doing more harm to those of us who are law abiding and do believe in the 2A than the Brady Campaign because you are very real. You should have secured or sold your arms (to a RESPONSIBLE party) knowing that they were not safe in your possession. I don't even think at this point you should have had one on you as I don't see how you are responsible enough given this situation and your lack of judgement to be regularly armed. I don't think you'll do anything different, but whoever is reading it can take it for what it is worth. Very little pisses off an 2A advocate and advocate of personal responsibility for arms use than what you have demonstrated.

4. The military may be the right place for you. But seeing what you've done thus far, I wonder what will become of you socially in the military. There most certainly is a party element available and with the low cost of living, this can lead to some very interesting events. Perhaps you should find an alternative where there is stronger guidance for you socially and not just professionally.

5. 99% chance she isn't pregnant. Larger chance than you're willing to give that if she is, it isn't yours.

6. When everything else is going to hell, the answer is NOT (and listen up, monte) to cling to an unrelated belief. The answer is to address the situation as it is and as is affected by relative beliefs. For example of what not to do:

Does she sell drugs she makes in the kitchen? Doesn't matter, I don't believe in divorce.

Example of what to do:

Does she sell drugs she makes in the kitchen? "Hello, Mr. Lawyer, I need you to help me cover my ass and the children because my crazy ass wife has set up a meth lab in our kitchen and I'm about to call them."

Another option would be: "You, out of my house and take your meth lab with you please."

Another option: "Hi, I've moved and filed for divorce. Have a good Christmas."
Last edited by JamieW on Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wicked1 on Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:55 pm

dropped off divorce paperwork today at the courthouse btw. To:JamieW if you look at my 3rd wound pic behind my shopvac is a gunsafe. I keep my guns locked up here as I did at the apartment just the wife HAD a key.Her guns werent locked up though she kept hers in the bedroom closet. She illegally carries a S&W 686. The Glock 20 is my personal carry gun that I usually sleep with in my "invisible holster" rig. Thats how she got to it so easily. I installed barrel bolt locks on the bedroom door to keep the kids out at night so I didnt have to worry about them and the guns.
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