I have to make dicision. Going with a stand alone unit (2 or 4 writers) which is expensive or setting up a 2 month old computer with 2 writers.
Our clients, recording artists, rarely need more than 200 cd's per order. Problem is, to keep it affordable for the clients, we order 1500 and wait for the follow ups. This is costly for us and we end up with alot of useless cd's. The artists don't rely on cd sales for income but as a way to hopefully get the word around.
Expensive business card, in my opinion.
I know there are a few members using dual burners so hopefully you can help.
Which writers are you using? What is the most reliable speed? Software? Has anyone tried 4 writers? Is anyone using Lite-On 48x or 52x burners?I would like to use Lite-On but until we get some clearanswers - any problems with cpu usage? What about other writers in multiple setups?
I realize IDE has it's limitations but until SATA burners show up this is what I have to work with.
Any information is appreciated, as is your own experience with multiple setups?
Thank you in advance. Tub