Ok, I am very new to burning CD's, but about a year ago I was at a local record shop and came across a cheap pack of CD-R's. The CD-R's were wrapped in plastic and the individual disks had no label, nothing, just the shiny, silver, reflective coloration that can be seen on the underside of any factory-recorded music CD. I like this label-less format, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to me and I label the CD's myself with masking tape.
Unfortunately, most CD-R's I've come across since are either white, or are "watermarked" with the distributors brand name on them. What I am looking for are relatively cheap, high-quality CD-R's with no labelling on the disks. I have a burner on my PC, but I would like to be able to burn them in a stand-alone CD copier (TEAC RW-D200; unfortunately my girlfriend owns it). I'll settle for CD's that can't be written by it though. Also, I'm intending to use them for audio, so when I say "high-quality" that means that I would like to be able to play them in most audio CD players.