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Nero Wave Editor - Sound Problem (noise/distortion)

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Nero Wave Editor - Sound Problem (noise/distortion)

Postby temex on Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:18 am


Thanks for a GREAT forum for Nero problems/solving. This is my first post because I'm usually able to Google answers to most of my computer problems (thanks for forums like this), but this one is tricky due to non-common search words so I decided to give you guys a shot. I need an urgent (5 day) solution to this problem, but I won't build any pressure on your guys...heh.

I'm using Nero Wave Editor to record live concerts and to burn them to CD. I have a setup where from the main sound mixer board I run parallel line feeds from direct outs to a separate sound mixer board to line ins dedicated to the CD recording only. From that separate sound mixer board I run stereo sound from main outs (XLR) to the sound card's line in (1/4 stereo plug) on back of my computer and to Nero Wave Editor. Concerts are usually 60 minutes...120 minutes long and everything's been running nice until it happened last weekend for the third time and annoys my head off:

If I monitor the sound by hooking up my head phones to the computer's head phone outlet on front of the computer everything sounds ok, BUT after the concert when I've stopped the recording and the recording is drawn to the screen as a wave, I noticed a one thick about 1/4inch thick solid wave line going accross the recorded sound wave, starting (randomly?) from the middle or first quarter of the recording all the way to the end and if I listen to it, it's somekind of noise or disturbing sound. One could call it distortion sound I guess, but anyways littlebit like helicopter right next to your ear. The actual concert recording is still recorded with it, but the extra noise makes the recording unusable from the distorted part. Everything else in the beginning of the recording sounds perfect and when the noise starts, it starts in an instant and continues to the end. It seems there's no certain spot where it starts although all three times it's been between 1/4 and 3/4 of the length of the whole recording When the noise starts, nothing's been turned on or off at the same time and it can start in the middle of the song or once in the middle of guy talking to the microphone. I'm using Nero WaveEditor 3.5.6 (this version sounds old because you guys talk about 7's and 8's...did I checked it right...?), anyway I'm not a big fan of switching and upgrading for every new update, because I noticed that something always goes wrong during upgrades and I'm here to record, not troubleshooting software. Otherwise satisfied to the program, except this one little/huge problem and would not like to switch to anything else if not necessary. Less change the better.

As far as I know, I would think the problem must be somewhere between a bug on the program, audio drivers, soundcard, memory or motherboard. I would like to outrule all other audio stuff, because I can hear the sound without the problems thru the ear phone jack on the front of the computer. Even things such ground lift problems should be heard on headphones as well if that would be the problem (I think). The compouter is Dell dimension E520, but I don't have the soundcard or memory info handy, sorry. So I could assume the line-in audio to the computer is not corrupted and the problem happens _after_ it enters to the fragile soul of the computer itself. Not sure, but positive.

Anykind of help would be HIGHLY appreciated, even stupid second opinnions, since it turned to be next to impossible to Google answers to this kind of problem. I tried to search for Nero Wave Editor Sound Problem and any combination near and between with no similar problems found, partially because everyone has different way of spelling "pop-poppo-ppopp-popppo...", you know!

Thanks in advance!!!

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Re: Nero Wave Editor - Sound Problem (noise/distortion)

Postby coonsanders on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:42 am

just out of curiosity which version of nero 6 u have?


ps fyi nero also has a forum where u can place questions...check it out.
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