Good day,
My currently Asus CDRW drive is starting to fail ( it is beginning to freeze during a write process at about 80% of completion )...My first thought is...My God...this drives are really has no more than 6 months of normal usage...Well due to the low cost of a DVDR drive I think it would be a good moment to buy one....In my country there are a lot of DVDR dual format 8x drives with acceptable cost.. There is also the LG DVDR12X DL+ drive, nearly the same cost as the 8x dual format ones..Well, what I have last mention create my two most important questions,
1.- Here nobody has been able to tell me whats the difference between + and - formats..Why there are two formats?...Whats the main difference ( I have read + is more accurate )...I know that almost all DVDRW drives supports both formats, but this question opens the next one,
2.- Today then new LG drive supports DL+ system..What about the -? Is it possible that in a few months we are going to see the new LG DL+/- drive...In others words, why is it possible to sell a DVD with DL+ technology and not DL-?..Is it a marketing point or a tech one?..Is it better then to buy a cheaper normal dual format 8x drive and wait for the new DL+/- ones?..
..Please enlight me!!!..Thanks for your time..