A few weeks ago I jumped on a Radio Shack Pre-Paid Cell phone deal because they said either the phone or the service (Virgin Mobile) would do what I wanted. It wouldn't and I returned it the next day.
What I wanted was to have the phone watch the caller ID and check a SPECIAL Phone List in the phone. If the ID didn't match a special number the phone would not ring.
I work nights and sleep mornings and evenings. I keep my phone off but have always wanted to let my boss call me incase of emergency.
After returning the phone I called 5-6 cell phone manufacturers and gave them the idea, which they all seemed interested in.
Now I'm slowly looking/watching for this solution. I just learned a week ago that Hawaiian Telcom has a service called DoNotDisturb that would do it but it limits the allowed numbers to 12. Since this is for a land line it suddenly showed me that this may not be the solution since folks not on my list to leave a message on my answer machine.
1) If you know of this service please drop me a note here.
2) Also, if you know of a really good cell phone review site please leave that here too.
Thanks, rich