by carvara on Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:40 pm
gidday im new on this forum my name is steve and i have a bit of a problem with nve3 recode. A while back i bought nero 6 and it worked perfectly for a few months, i would regularly check for updates and basica lly performed the same operation, download video from the internet and make them into dvds. At the time i also had power producer software which came with my lg burner, all was operating great, till all of a sudden with no apparent reason every time i went through the dvd making process the recode side of things would stop and hang except for the elapsed time and the only way out would be to use the task manager terminating everything. I have uninstalled numerous times and reinstalled always with the latest reload, tried there patshes nothing seemed to fix it (this same problem also occurred with power producer which has since been removed. I then tried neros so called vip support which is about as useful as tits on a lampost, i got one reply in a month and that was to tell me to enter a log file which i had already done in the original email to nero. I scourered the internet forums for info on this problem but have got nowhhere. Im hoping praying that you guys might have some insight into whats going on here and will be able to offer some enlightenment, ive sent the last log file as well so you got every thing ive got i think, so heres hoping thanks steve.
- Attachments
- latest log file after last hang
- (6.22 KiB) Downloaded 508 times