I just ordered a NEC 2510 DVD writer and I need some media to go along with it. It will mainly be used for backing up files/data. I have a RAID-0 set up with an 80 gig external back up drive that is almost full. Maybe the occasional movie.
I'm looking at 3 items at Newegg right now.
First one is Unifino it's -4x, $34 for 100:
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDe ... 705&depa=1
Second one is Legacy -4x, 36.99 for 100:
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDe ... 007&depa=1
Third item is RIDATA +4x, 41.99, $31 after MIR but I won't ever send it in, for 100:
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDe ... 344&depa=1
I was wondering if anybody knew the quality of the media listed above? I've heard that the RiDATA is actually Richo media and is pretty good. I haven't been able to figure out who makes the Unifino and Legacy media.