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Philips now takeing action against nonroyalties paid players


Philips now takeing action against nonroyalties paid players

Postby RJW on Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:22 am

SO I guess this will probally mean the end for the ultra cheap crappy no named players. Because philips is now also takeing action against hardware manufacturers which do not pay Philips there royalties.

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Postby spryfly on Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:26 pm

that sucks...i love my disposable dvd players #-o
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:12 pm

Personally I'm happy with it. I'm tired of the POS crap that gets blown out at stupid prices.
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Postby Scour on Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:17 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Personally I'm happy with it. I'm tired of the POS crap that gets blown out at stupid prices.

I agree.

Cheap trash that blows away the good manufacturers (like Yamaha, no longer CD-writers), I don´t like it
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Postby jase on Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:32 pm

Well given that I recently bought a Hitachi for only about $8 more than the cheap crappy units cost, I don't see this as a problem....

The Hitachi unit is a far better player in any case, just an end-of-line that's all.
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