aviationwiz is going to host the pictures tomorrow but here are the text results
all discs were burned using official Pioneer DVR-108 1.14 firmware and then scanned on the exact same Pioneer DVR-108 drive
disks were burned using DVD Decrypter in ISO Mode with MAX as the write speed selected
Taiyo Yuden TYG02 8x rated disks, burned at 12x:
PI Total - 211,889
PI Peak - 205
PI Average - 35
PO Total - 5,642
PO Peak - 101
PO Average - 2
Maxell MXLRG03 8x rated disks, burned at 16x:
PI Total - 466,261
PI Peak - 1386
PI Average - 169
PO Total - 269,225
PO Peak - 1,386
PO Average - 129
I'm glad I didn't delete the Movie ISO file that i burnt onto the maxell disk, lesson learned: Keep to the rated speed of 8x on the maxell's
sorry about the no graph on PO for TY media, forgot to check that in the program