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printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers

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printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers

Postby cougfan on Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:12 pm

I was wondering what people had to say about printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers that print on them. Mainly, I am interested in a general all-purpose color inkjet that can do the job and not a fancy dedicated (ie: expensive) printer. I haven't bought a new printer in years and years with the exception of a used HP 4050TN monochrome laserjet (best purchase ever) and I remember looking at inkjet printers at the time and they were pushing the ability to write directly on media. Now when I look at the new printers, the big push is all-in-one machines and networkable machines, but never a mention of disc handling. Anyway, I am curious as to the group opinion.


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Re: printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers

Postby Ian on Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:07 pm

A lot of the higher end all-in-one machines will do it. If they can do photo quality printing, they'll usually do CD's and DVD's as well.

If you don't want to drop a ton of money, something as simple as the HP Photosmart D5460 will do disc printing. Of course, the print quality isn't going to be nearly as good as a disc printer from say Primera.
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Re: printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers

Postby Shaman on Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:39 pm

I have been using Epson Stylus Photo inkjet printers in succession 960 followed by R 200 and took delivery today of an Epson Stylus Photo R 1900 which Epson is offering for $399. after a $150. mail in rebate if purchased through Epson. There are less expensive Epson inkjet which offer CD/DVD printing. There's also the Dymo DiscPainter http://global.dymo.com/enUS/DiscPainter/default.html . I have no experience with that one. Ian mentioned another printer that's fairly expensive. Epson's inkjets are very respectable in terms of output. I have no experience with HP or Canon. Good luck with your research.
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Re: printable media (cd's and DVD's) and the printers

Postby Shaman on Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:52 pm

An article: Primera intros BravoPro Xi-Series disc publishers can be found at Macworld's website today with this link http://www.macworld.com/article/140856/2009/11/primera_xi.html. Ian referred to this manufacturer in his post. As you will discover, the selling prices are dear. This is merely offered as more information to those who might be interested, have a need and the means to purchase that level of performance. i am totally unfamiliar with the products or the quality of their output.
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