Yes, once you have used the Wave Editor in Nero 6 to read the music off cassettes and convert them to WAV format files on your hard drive, you can use Nero 6 to burn them back out to Audio CDs.
Same thing with records, 78s, 45s and LPs as you just use the same feed into your motherboard, LINE IN. However, if your turntable has a magnetic cartridge, you'll need to preamp it. If your turntable has a ceramic cartridge, it should be the right level of the LINE IN.
Hey, I was in Barnes & Noble several years ago, just browsing - looking for nothing, and saw
this CD. It is the exact replica of an LP that I bought about 50 years ago and still have. With no hestitation, I just snapped it right up.
I ripped the CD into my hard drive and exported it out to my
Sandisk Sansa player. I would not even think of the hassle of reading my LP into PC with Nero even if I had a turntable. Same with cassettes - too much work. PCs are the result of the industrial revolution - we are not supposed to work for them, they are supposed to work for us.
If I can find my old music that I had on cassettes or LPs, I'll just rebuy on CDs or just download form Amazon directly. Then I play the music on my Sansa player. Just as cassette players are so '80s and obsolete, CD players are so '90s and are fast becoming obsolete.