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question about manufacturers


question about manufacturers

Postby laisunhk on Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:48 pm

hello everybody
i come form hong kong..
i have a question about dvd manufactureres...
which dvd manufactureres are the biggest in US??
i am meaning dvd +/- disc...

where i can find more information about dvd manufacturers??
thx a lots~
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Re: question about manufacturers

Postby Shredder on Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:44 am

laisunhk wrote:which dvd manufactureres are the biggest in US??

DVD drive or DVD media manufacturers? Actually it doesn't matter as there is no such company that's big in comsumer optical drive/media market. Just about everything is from Taiwan and Japan.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:51 pm

CMC probably holds the biggest market share in North America, but no surprise really when they control most of the biggest OEMs. Prodisc and Ritek are both fighting for number 2 position, Ritek is probably still on top due to their reputation built on previous product quality control. Optodisc is quickly advancing through the ranks, and might now be considered number 4 or 5. Taiyo Yuden and Mitsubishi Chemicals are roughly even, but I think Taiyo Yuden might outsell Mitsubishi because all the duplication houses in Canada (at least) only use Taiyo Yuden for their high end runs.

This is all referring to DVD sales, not CD.
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