by treemana on Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:14 am
I'm pretty happy with ULead MovieFactory2. It was bundled with my Pioneer A06 drive. One of the features I like about it is that it won't re-encode MPEG files that are already "DVD compliant". (720x480 2-8MHz, etc.) NVE always seems to want to re-encode (transcode) the MPEG files, which can make the authoring process take a lot longer.
The sub-menus are also easy to create. You can select specific spots, or just set them in even increments (every 5 minutes or so). If I record a TV show, I'll usually set chapter points at the end of each commercial break. This is less time consuming than editing them out, and works (almost) just as well.
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure...