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Sony 220 A1 Turbo Mode?

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Sony 220 A1 Turbo Mode?

Postby Gixxerboy on Tue May 13, 2003 11:38 pm

Hi Guys,
Just found this site and it rocks! Never knew there was so much out there on cdrs/rws.
My question is a fairly simple one but I cant seem to find details on it.
I have a Sony 220 A1 and I need to know how to put it into turbo mode. I read in a post here that you hold the eject button in for 5 sec. Is this correct? At what point is this done specifically? When you put in the blank media, or when you start the burn, or what?? I can find nothing on this. the pdfs on Sony's site mention turbo mode but only on the spec sheet.
"So what you're telling me is that I really DO need to have my PC plugged in for your software to work..."
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 13, 2003 11:28 pm

Postby dhc014 on Wed May 14, 2003 12:26 am

First of all, welcome to cdrlabs Gixxerboy!

Many people find Sony's TurboBoost feature kind of annoying...

You can hold the eject button for five seconds at any time while your computer is on. It will switch back and forth between off and on each time you press it. I, presonally recommend just flashing with a modified Lite-ON firmware from here and decrease or increase the speed to whatever you feel is desirable at the time. if you want quiet, then just set it to burn at 40x yourself. If you want to use the true potential of your drive, then leave it at 52.
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Postby Gixxerboy on Wed May 14, 2003 12:58 am

Thanks for the warm welcome, and the gracious response to a newbie!
I found the site you linked to before, but wanted to do more looking b4 I decided to flash. I'll probably flash it this weekend when I have time.
Looks like Nero is you preferred sw...I'll have to get a copy.
"So what you're telling me is that I really DO need to have my PC plugged in for your software to work..."
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed May 14, 2003 1:20 am

Welcome, Gixxerboy!

Nero is my favorite burning program, too. I would highly recommend it!

Before you flash your drive to the new firmware, use MTKFlash to backup your old firmware. That way, if something doesn't go as expected or you don't like the new firmware, you can restore the drive to its original state very easily.
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