I have a NU DBW-521 (52x24x52 + 16x DVD-ROM Combo), firmware version g305.
Everything used to be OK, but a week or two ago the drive started having problems burning CDs.
I use Nero ( What happens is, fresh after a restart everything goes well, but after the first CD is burned, the next CD I try to burn makes it through the burn stage, but when it's supposed to begin verifying the CD, nero says -
"Cannot mount the written CD
"NU CDRW/DVD DBW-521" (H:1, T:0)"
And says the burning failed. The CD is unreadable by most drives I've tried. CD-RW drives say it has 703MB freespace.
I have a Pentium 3, 800Mhz, 384MB, Windows XP.
I've tried different media, different speeds. I've even switched my drive with a friend who has the same model - and his drive didn't work too (in my computer), although it works fine on his, so it's a problem in my own computer.
I've reinstalled Windows XP, but that didn't really seem to help.
The drive is a Master on the secondary channel.
Suggestions, anyone?