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Nu-Tech Drive has problems burning CDs

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Nu-Tech Drive has problems burning CDs

Postby praetor on Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:27 pm

I have a NU DBW-521 (52x24x52 + 16x DVD-ROM Combo), firmware version g305.
Everything used to be OK, but a week or two ago the drive started having problems burning CDs.
I use Nero ( What happens is, fresh after a restart everything goes well, but after the first CD is burned, the next CD I try to burn makes it through the burn stage, but when it's supposed to begin verifying the CD, nero says -

"Cannot mount the written CD
"NU CDRW/DVD DBW-521" (H:1, T:0)"
And says the burning failed. The CD is unreadable by most drives I've tried. CD-RW drives say it has 703MB freespace.

I have a Pentium 3, 800Mhz, 384MB, Windows XP.
I've tried different media, different speeds. I've even switched my drive with a friend who has the same model - and his drive didn't work too (in my computer), although it works fine on his, so it's a problem in my own computer.
I've reinstalled Windows XP, but that didn't really seem to help.
The drive is a Master on the secondary channel.

Suggestions, anyone?
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:16 pm

Postby laptop88 on Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:53 pm


It very clear that the NU drive seems to be ok as your friend tested on his computer.

The problem may from your computer.

May I suggest:
1. Change a new IDE ata66/ 100/ 133 cable.
2. Try different power connection inside your PC.
3. Try change a new ( good quality) power supply.
4. Make sure your DMA channel in second IDE port is enable.
5. Try update your mother board BIOS version.
6. Test on second IDE channel only connect one drvice and see it may
work. Sometime it just the mother board IDE connection is bad and
need a board repair/ replacement.

laptop88/ 04/20/2004 :o :o :o
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:43 pm

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