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Verbatim Media Coming To Japan

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Verbatim Media Coming To Japan

Postby Ian on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:51 am

According to this, Mitsubishi Chemical will stop selling media under their own Mitsubishi brand in Japan and will introduce Verbatim brand media in September.


Mitsubishi Chemical media Ltd. (The headquarters: the Tokyo Minato Ward and president: Otsuka heavy morality) introduces a global brand its own " Verbatim(R) ([ba-beitamu])" that develops by 80 countries or more in foreign countries like Europe and America and Asia-Pacific, etc. into a Japanese market in full scale in September.

The optical disk all products for data are switched from the MITSUBISHI brand to the Verbatim brand in September this year, and it aims at the establishment of a global brand including Japan though Mitsubishi Chemical media have sold products such as USB thumb drive, SD cards, and portable hard disk drives by the Verbatim brand since 2008.
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