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Multisession options Nero 5.5

PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:13 pm
by Intimidator
I am trying to use Nero 5.5 with the multisession option to backup my data. I just realized that if I have deleted files/folders off my hard drive and I have used the multisession a few times previously, then all those files/folders that should have been deleted in the new backup are still on the CD.

Then if I ever have to restore that data all the cleanup that has taken place off the hard drive remains on the CD. That means you have to go back after a data restore and delete those files all over again.

I saw something about remove the files but cannot find any info on the subject.

Now it sounds like when I would create a multisession CD and files are deleted off the HD somehow ONLY the backed up files will be on the CD and it deletes the others.

I want a TRUE backup of my data not stuff that i previously deleted.

Please help!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:37 pm
by Intimidator
I just saw that this feature was corrected in NERO 6 so I cannot use 5.5 even if I tried.