Ice Cube to play B.A. Baracus in A-Team remake

I really like Ice Cube as a musician and in some ways an actor... but he wasn't the first person I would have chosen to play B.A. Baracus (Mr. T) in the A-Team movie. ... emake.html ... emake.html
Hip Hop radio station Power 106 reported this morning that Hip Hop Icon Ice Cube will be taking over the role of B.A. Baracus that was made famous on the hit 80’s show by Mr. T. Ice Cube made it clear that he would not be impersonating Mr. T in his effort to bring Baracus to the large screen, stating that he would bring his own flavor to the role.
The movie is set to be directed by John Singleton who first hit it big directing Ice Cube in the landmark film Boyz in the Hood. Little else is known about the project aside from the projected 2008 release date. It is also unknown if any original cast members would be involved with the project in any capacity.
Certainly John Singleton is in need of a hit, and luckily for him Ice Cube has become a believable box office draw. While a great movie isn’t necessarily in the cards, the odds on Ice Cube delivering are pretty good.