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A prog that closes tracks on coasters so you can still write

PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 9:41 pm
by Special_K
A prog that closes tracks on coasters so you can still write to the unwritten space

ok.. everyone has had it happen to them.... you start burning and a few moments, you get an error, or lose power, or for whatever reason, you got a coaster. you look at the cd and only 10% of the cd was used and you say, "i still got five or six hundred megs of space i can get out of this cd."

But since the TOC is always last to be written, thats why you can write to coasters, cause there's no TOC. but if you put that cd back into the drive and open, lets say, nero or roxio, it'll tell you how much unwritten space there is.

here's my question: is there a program that can "close out" a bad session so you can still write to a cd with unwritten space on it?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:25 am
by hoxlund
well since cd-rs are like a few nickels, i just toss em any, not worth the hassle of closing session or whatever

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:03 am
by pranav81
Yeah hox,you are right.And Special_K it is not possible to close the last bad session.You may be lucky sometimes,but not always.
