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Wal-Mart Employee Finds Man Glued to Toilet

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Wal-Mart Employee Finds Man Glued to Toilet

Postby Ian on Tue May 02, 2006 10:22 pm

One more reason not to take a #2 at Walmart..


A 20-year-old was found by a Wal-Mart employee in the bathroom Sunday night after he sat down and was glued to the toilet seat.

The man, whose name was not released by police, was taken to the hospital late Sunday night, said Lt. Cheryl Rantz of the Salisbury Police Department.

"The man had gone into the bathroom and sat down," she said. "He was banging on the wall when the employee came in."

Rantz said the man was treated and released.

I wonder how long the guy was sitting there.
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Postby bill on Wed May 03, 2006 12:27 am

That's hilarious, might try doing that to the next guy who blocks the aisles.
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