Ian wrote:If I remember right, Plextor also had a 40x SCSI drive. I don't know how many peole actually bought it though.
They had a 40 narrow, and a 40 Ultra-Wide CD-ROM drive. I have one of each. The 40 standard is in the wife's system along with a PlexWriter 12/10/32x, the UW drive used to be in my main system when it was all SCSI, (three HDD's, the Plex, Yamaha 16x burner, Seagate DDS-2 DAT drive, and a Zip drive, back in the day of the first Socket A Athlons), plus a scanner) so I could limit IRQ usage.
It worked okay. The mechanical hardware is solid, but my disappointment was Plextor's limitations with digital audio.
Plextor never made a SCSI DVD reader or burner, though there was much clamor for the DVD-ROM. Their statements varied from "no plans at this time" to vague hints about it being on the distant horizon. Like someone else said, the only SCSI DVD burners I know of were Pioneer's early units, which were -R only, and something like 1x or 2x.
Yamaha's final 44x CD-RW drive, the CRW-F1 came in an optional SCSI version, which was really the IDE drive with some kind of SCSI circuit-board adapter than sandwiched on the back. They're hard to find now, and expensive (I loved my IDE CRW-F1), and of course they don't do DVD's. That was the last SCSI optical drive I remember seeing.