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what's the cons of ltr-52327s

Burn baby burn!

Postby raygay27 on Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:01 pm

just got one liteon drive.

any1 kindly email me QS0B f/w? my email cumulus27@operamail.com

btw my current f/w is QS55. i seem to be unable to find this f/w stated in liteon site at all? is this old old f/w?

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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:09 pm

raygay27 wrote:just got one liteon drive.

any1 kindly email me QS0B f/w? my email cumulus27@operamail.com

btw my current f/w is QS55. i seem to be unable to find this f/w stated in liteon site at all? is this old old f/w?


You may wish to read up a bit before flashing QS0B to that drive.

http://forum.cdfreaks.com/showthread.ph ... adid=85712
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Postby raygay27 on Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:29 pm

thanks dude. seems i m having drive with new h/w config.
will wait then. thanks.
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:40 pm

A couple people have played with the new and old FW versions on the same drive and find little, if any difference. So sticking with the new FW won't hurt you any. They appear to contain the same data.
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Postby Centrilium on Sat Feb 14, 2004 10:34 am

I've just bought a Sony CRX230A a few days ago and wasn't satisfied with it's firmware.Many cdrs such as the Maxell which was rated 48x could only be detected at 40X.So I flashed it to a LiteON LTR-52327Ss(R52QS0C) using Flashfix to modify the firmware in order to make it work.The flasing process turned out successful but I've got a question,what colour should the LED be when the drive is in the writing session?Mine 's orange in colour and green when reading.Is this ok?
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Postby Jim on Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:37 pm

My Lite-On is red when burning, orange when the buffer underrun was triggered, and green when reading.

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Postby Centrilium on Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:02 pm

Hmm that means the Sony rebadged LiteONs are slightly different compared to the TDK and Imation.Although all of them are based on the LiteON LTR-52327Ss the Sony CRX230A slightly differs in the LED indicator colors.When it's burning cdrs,it's orange/yellow in color and when it's reading it's green.Only 2 colors available whereas the TDK Cyclone 52X/32X/52X is more similar to the LiteON LTR-52327Ss where the color indicators are the same(3 colors green-read,orange-buffer underrun red-writing).
Buffer Underrun
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