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You know it's not your night when...

Postby VEFF on Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:19 am

you are playing online poker (free tournament to have a chance to play against celebrities).

The blinds (forced bets) are high and you are short stacked (low on chips)

You call the big blind and proceed, after the flop (first three community cards), to slow play a straight draw and a nut (i.e. ace high) flush draw.
You hit the best flush possible (nut flush) after checking all the way down to the river.
The other guy goes 'all in' (bets all of his chips for those who aren't familiar with poker lingo) - a dream come true I think since I hit the nut flush.
I call (of course).

To my shock, the guy had a straight flush - that is the single best hand I have seen in this tournament and I have played about 10 of them (finishing 7th out of 1,500 people in one of them, meaning I played long enough to see a ton of hands).

I know poker can be cruel, but that is about as bad as it gets...
Thankfully it didn't cost me anything in real money! :)
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