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Are there any DVD writers that can copy bit for bit audio?


Are there any DVD writers that can copy bit for bit audio?

Postby Sgt_Strider on Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:49 am

Besides the Plextor 716-A drive, are there any other? I only have one 5.25" bay so I need to get a combo drive like this. Thanks.
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Postby MediumRare on Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:46 am

Most DVD burners are OK at audio extraction. Check Ian's reviews. You get bit-exact copies with Exact Audio Copy or another ripping tool.

If you mean defeating copy protection mechanisms things aren't quite so rosy. Plextor copies just about anything and LiteOn is normally a very good reader too. According to the latest c't test BenQ/Philips will play (and rip?) almost all protected audio discs except the latest Key2Audio variant, but have problems reading scratched discs.

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