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ASUS DVD E616 Can't Read Data DVD

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ASUS DVD E616 Can't Read Data DVD

Postby saniyat on Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:10 pm

I have an Asus dvd-rom E616 and a Liteon LTR-52327S CDRW. I bought both of them 15 months ago. The dvd-rom is making certain problems. I have some game dvd and movie dvd. All of these dvd were read by my dvd-rom earlier. Now all of my game dvd and couple of my movie dvd can't read by the dvd-rom. I checked those dvd in other dvd-rom and all of them are ok. When I insert the dvd into the dvd-rom the green light blinks for about one minute and the dvd-rom spins the dvd. At the end the blinking of green light stops and it appears that no dvd disk is inserted. It seems that my dvd-rom having problem reading data dvd.
Important thing is that it can't read those dvd which it read 14 days ago. In case of cd it can read all types of cd.
Is their any solution?
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