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BackItUp a FAILURE - Will not restore

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Postby CCampbell on Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:26 pm

Hello everyone,

Looks like this forum has found two bugs in our BackItUP program.

Bug #1:

It would seem that NRESTORE creates an NTFS/FAT32 partition at once, instead of just the NTFS partition as it should. This issue should be resolved in our latest Nero posted on our website.

I was able to backup and restore an NTFS partition on a Dual Boot Comptuer that had W2K and XP installed. The backup of W2K went without problem. I then booted to XP and deleted the contents of the C: drive that contained the W2K system. Then I booted to the Dos Floppy and restored from two DVD's. I was then able to reboot from the W2K system and all my data was restored.

Bug #2:

BackItUP wrote the Boot programs, the nrestore program, and an empty .dat and considres that to be a succesful backup. This issue was not duplicateable by our Engineers in Germany. However, I was able to duplicate it on one of my Dual Boot systems here in my USA Lab, once. Hopefully I can duplicate it again, and save the log file to forward on to Germany so they can look into this.

If anyone else on this forum is able to duplicate this symptom, please send me a copy of your Log file so that I can add this to the bug report to assist our Engineers in resolving this issue. You can send it to me directly at techsupport4@nero.com

Thanks for all your assistance. It's very greatly appreciated by everyone at Ahead Software! :D

Best Regards,

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Postby captadv on Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:50 pm


where does that leave me....the guy who started all of this? How can I realistically attempt to restore my data? Do you think that the new version will take care of this or am I S*** out of luck?

I have forwarded copies of my back-up DVD's to Derek Brady at Ahead Software in Glendale....however, if there is a process that I could attempt at home, I'd like to know about it.

These bugs seem like major bugs for a software program so far into it's development. Please let me know how to proceed....


David Dewlow
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:01 pm

captadv wrote:Craig,

where does that leave me....the guy who started all of this? How can I realistically attempt to restore my data? Do you think that the new version will take care of this or am I S*** out of luck?

I have forwarded copies of my back-up DVD's to Derek Brady at Ahead Software in Glendale....however, if there is a process that I could attempt at home, I'd like to know about it.

These bugs seem like major bugs for a software program so far into it's development. Please let me know how to proceed....


David Dewlow

Once Derek receives the DVD's, we'll see what we can do to recover the data. I'll also check with our Engineers in Germany and see if they can provide us with a solution. Hopefully, one that we can provide to you so that you can do the recovery from your end.


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Postby cfitz on Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:18 am

Craig, thank you for looking into this, confirming the bugs, forwarding them to engineering for fixes and offering to help out David. Much appreciated. :)

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Postby CCampbell on Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:03 pm

We've recieved the 3 DVD discs created by Back Up Hard Drive feature, and we were able to duplicate your problem where it restores but no files are restored.

I need a little more time to see what is going on, and why, and if we will be able to recover any of your data.

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Postby symarip on Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:02 am

Hey all... I've got the same problem over here. Any solutions found as yet?
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