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Re: Odd..

Postby 1coadman on Sun Mar 16, 2003 5:10 pm

Probably. Run, don't walk, to your local store and see if any are left! :)


Alas, that's one of the drawbacks to country living,,,60 miles away from the nearest best buy store.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:26 pm

imtim83 wrote:BuddhaTB couldn't you buy it online if possible and choose the option to pick it up at your local store? I bet its not just a male thing. I bet sometimes there is a few females. Doesn't matter to me though.

You could buy it online the nite before and pick it up the next day. But I don't usually bother doing that unless its past Sunday and the website is still showing they have stock for my local store.

Your right it might not be just a guy thing, but waiting for Best Buy to open mostly is. Rarely do I ever see females waiting in line there. I think females would be more interested in waiting for a clothing store or shoe store to open up that has a big sale.
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Postby imtim83 on Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:34 pm

BuddhaTB true.
Any help appreicated
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Re: Odd..

Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 16, 2003 9:31 pm

1coadman wrote:Alas, that's one of the drawbacks to country living,,,60 miles away from the nearest best buy store.

Oops, right. I forgot about that. But wasn't it only 50 miles the last time we talked? :wink: :D

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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:16 pm

BuddaTB wrote:As for the Best Buy Fuji deal, I would suggest you order it online and select store pickup. That way you have a Fuji spindle on reserve for yourself. Also if you order it tonite and the price is cheaper when you pick it up, they are supposed to sell it to you at the cheaper price. Also make sure they print out the rebate form for you. If they do neither of these things, make sure you talk with a store manager. Just order it today and pick up tomorrow.

OK, I ordered last night. Also, the confirmation said that I would get the lesser price if it went down. Then I went to print out the rebate form this AM. and like coadman said the site now says: "not for store pickup".

Well, I'll stop bye on the way from from work tomorrow and see what the deal is. If they are not 48x or they won't do all the rebate, I'll just cancel. Then I'll stop bye CompUSA Tuesday (not really expecting any)on the way home (fortunately, neither are really out of the way).

I'll be back here tomorrow night,
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sun Mar 16, 2003 11:54 pm

CowboySlim wrote:OK, I ordered last night. Also, the confirmation said that I would get the lesser price if it went down. Then I went to print out the rebate form this AM. and like coadman said the site now says: "not for store pickup".

Well, I'll stop bye on the way from from work tomorrow and see what the deal is. If they are not 48x or they won't do all the rebate, I'll just cancel. Then I'll stop bye CompUSA Tuesday (not really expecting any)on the way home (fortunately, neither are really out of the way).

Slim, did you get the confirmation e-mail stating that your order was ready for pick-up from Best Buy? If you did, I would go tomorrow and pick up the Fuji's there because they have a spindle reserved for you already. When they ring up the order, make sure they print out the rebate form for you. If they ask you why, tell them the situation with their website and how its not letting you print out the rebate forms.

I just got done reading the CompUSA thread and it seems quite a few people are having problems getting the Fuji rebate online. I just hope someone is able to successfully submit their rebates over the net.
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:37 pm

OK, BuddaTB,

That worked out. Was able to print out the rebate forms today and took my confirmation in to the Westminster store. They had a spindle put away and gave me the sale price. They also still had a dozen or so spindles on the display table. They were 48x.

Thanks for the good tip,
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Re: Odd..

Postby 1coadman on Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:59 pm

cfitz wrote:
1coadman wrote:Alas, that's one of the drawbacks to country living,,,60 miles away from the nearest best buy store.

Oops, right. I forgot about that. But wasn't it only 50 miles the last time we talked? :wink: :D


Could be,,I know it takes an hour to get from my house to Wichita. My wife bought a roll top desk from a Cherry Orchard Furniture store in Wichita(Ks) about 10 yrs ago, and I know they delivered it, charged for partial delivery of 55 miles....So, I guess it depends on which side of the city of
Wichita your store is located. :lol: :D coadman
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fuji rebate

Postby rmdir on Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:10 am

The online rebate form has been fixed, I submitted mine this morning. I would guess from the sound of the customer service persons voice who answered the phone, when I told what rebate I was calling for, they must have gotten a lot of calls. She didn't sound happy. But, it works, so I'm happy! :-?
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Re: fuji rebate

Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:18 am

rmdir wrote:The online rebate form has been fixed, I submitted mine this morning. I would guess from the sound of the customer service persons voice who answered the phone, when I told what rebate I was calling for, they must have gotten a lot of calls. She didn't sound happy. But, it works, so I'm happy! :-?

There's only one lady working the phones at Fuji's cutomer service for the rebates, so I'm not surprised she wasn't in the best of moods. But atleast you were able to submit your rebate in and that's the good part.
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Re: fuji rebate

Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:20 am

BuddhaTB wrote:There's only one lady working the phones at Fuji's cutomer service for the rebates,

What's up here, BuddhaTB? Are you on a first-name basis with this woman? Something we should know about? :wink:

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Re: fuji rebate

Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:19 am

cfitz wrote:What's up here, BuddhaTB? Are you on a first-name basis with this woman? Something we should know about? :wink:

Awhile back, I kept calling them regarding one of my rebates that didn't get sent out after 2 months. Everytime I would call, I kept getting the same customer service person. So after a few calls, I asked her if she was the only one working there and she said yes. She told me that Fuji doesn't bother to hire that many customer service reps because they usually don't get that many calls. They devote more of their resources to the people actually checking the rebate forms, entering them into the system, and cutting the rebate checks. That's why Fuji claims that you'll get your rebate within 20 days, because they have a lot of people working on that part of the rebate office.
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Best Buy in Wichita Kansas

Postby 1coadman on Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:22 pm

Just returned from the Best Buy on West Kellogg in Wichita, and they have a good supply of the Fuji's for this offer. I picked up 3 spindles, and between my parents and brother, we will have 3 separate addresses for the rebates. :lol:
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