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Cendyne Accesstek CW4802 CD-R Burner

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Cendyne Accesstek CW4802 CD-R Burner

Postby lapdog on Wed Jan 08, 2003 5:42 pm

Cendyne Lightning IV CW4802 48x16x48x (firmware 150F) - made by Accesstek and resold by others including Optorite.

Drive will read commercial and burned CD's, will read and write various CD-RW media, but has a definite problem recognizing blank CD-R's.

Under a clean install of WinXP SP1 (with IMAPI service disabled) that Nero Vision Express(supplied with the drive) does not recognize various blank CD-R media (however, ever so often it will).

Under Win2000 SP3, same problem with various programs (Discjuggler, Nero 5.5.10.x, CD-Mate, Fireburner, VCD-Easy, etc). Every so often it will recognize the blank media, and will burn the cd as expected.

Cendyne is non-responsive as is Accesstek. I understand that I should expect no help from them.

I understand that I should replace the drive with a Lite-ON, etc. However, I am stuck with this drive by my own stupdity, and wonder what I might do in any case.

1. Is there utility to force the drive to reread the inserted media without ejecting the drive. The idea is to have it reread the media say 100 times to get it to burn once (don't laugh please).

2. Anyone know of a list of acceptable media for this unit? I've read the posts on media here at CDRLabs and found it sketchy.

3. Is anyone using this drive successfuly? If so, what OS, what media, etc.

P3 1GHz HP Vectra
IDE Cable Select
Using 2nd IDE Controller set to DMA 2
I have tried master/slave combon, PIO modes, etc.

In any case thanks. For those looking at buying this unit, please reconsider.
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Postby jase on Wed Jan 08, 2003 5:52 pm

I have the very similar MSI 48x drive and, although it can be a bit picky, it has written successfully to every type of media I've thrown at it at 16x at least.

I think you have a dud drive there. Best get it replaced. Another Accesstek should be OK, as long as it's a working one. They really aren't that bad!
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Postby Ian on Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:03 pm

jase, what's your writing quality been like on your MSI drive? Have you had problems with Taiyo media?
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Postby jase on Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:09 pm

Not too bad actually. I haven't tried TY media (far too cheap for that!!! I bought some Mitsui and some Ricoh media when it was going cheap, and that's me lot lol) but the rest of it is pretty good. Some 16x media doesn't write well at 48x but shucks.....lmao.
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Postby lapdog on Wed Jan 08, 2003 8:07 pm

Its nice to get replies in such a short time. Thanks!

I have gotten to drive to work using Vodoo magic two out of three times using this arcane method.

1. start nero info, select disc tab
2. insert nero commercial cd
3. hit refresh button
4. select drive (or another tab), then back to disc tab
to see the disc info
5. eject cd
6. insert blank cd
7. hit refresh button quickly before drive spins ups
8. select drive (or another tab), then back to disc tab
to see the disc info (show no media)
9. after spin up, hit refresh button again
10. select drive (or another tab), then back to disc tab
you should see blank media now

At that point I can use any application to write at top speed (except VCDEasy which uses a generic 4x driver and CDRWin which does not recognize the drive).

Two out of three times - wow!
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Postby lapdog on Wed Jan 08, 2003 8:59 pm

I fogot to ask - how can I force the CD-R burner to reread the media ejecting. Using a scan using Nero Info will read once will cause the drive light to go on and spin up the media. Subsequent refreshes retrieve the same information without triggering a drive light on the burner? I have to eject to get it to refresh.

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Postby bluecrayola on Sat Jan 11, 2003 4:34 pm

I have the same burner but I have the one marketed by Verbatim (but is the same components as the Cendyne 48x16x48x), and it has never given me a single problem. I've used, imation, maxell, memorex and fuji media with it. Always a successful burn and never a fuss. I think you might have a faulty drive.
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Jan 12, 2003 2:55 am

It's true that the CW4802 can burn a variety of discs at their rated speed or higher. Just look at the Optorite CW4802 results in the Media Compatability Thread for a list of media that will work successfully in the drive. If neither of these discs work, then the problem is either your computer or you have a bad drive (as bluecrayola pointed out).

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