by Grain on Wed May 30, 2007 4:03 pm
On sale here in W Canada the CMC DL's are within a dime per disc of Verbatims DL's on sale. If I could find them appreciably cheaper than Verb I'd buy a bunch, I get 91%+ scans on them with both CDSpeed and DVDInfo Pro(using BenQ 1655), and they playback perfectly on my stand alone players.
*Note* First spindle I had would either give a great scan or be a coaster, about a 90% success rate (using strictly LG 22N). After updating the 22N's firmware have had no more coasters, the 50N and Liteons haven't produced any at all. Started using the 50N and Liteons on the second spindle, have only burned about 45 total.
I might have been mistaken about the Pioneer 111 not liking them, it could have been the BenQ's.
Hi-Def Format Neutral
Samsung BD-1400, PS3 40GB
Toshiba HD-A2, HD-XA2 & XBox 360 HD DVD