by socheat on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:47 pm
Matt, Han, what size monitors do you have? 1024 on a 15" or even 1600 on a 17" is going to be tiny no matter what.
This is a very strange problem. I've got a 14" laptop @ 800 and @ 1024, 17" @ 1024 and @ 1280, and a 19" at all resolutions between 800 and 1600x1200 in Windows and Linux (Netscape 4.0 & 4.7, IE 5, 5.5, 6, Mozilla 0.9.7, and Galeon) and all have displayed fine for me. Granted the 1600x1200 is going to have small text, and granted what is fine for me could be huge for someone else or impossible to read for others.