Para wrote:I'll check the firmware version today after I get home from a few errands.
The picture definately changed from when I was there a few days ago -- I'm pretty sure that I checked and double checked all the pictures, and I thought I was getting the same LTD-type drive (with the headset slot and such)...
I'm going to call them and see what my options are today, because I'm interested in getting one of the LTD drives.
Either which way, I'll stray away from the LiteOn OEMs now that I know they omit basic features...
Again, I'll get the firmware today...
Don't worry about getting the Firmware , it's not that important .
I guess that they have changed their pictures after your first mail to their support

Perhaps you could prove it ( if you needed to prove it in your relations with Newegg ) . With some search motors ( google for example ) you can have the "cached" version of the HTML which is the ancient version of the page . Don't know if it works for pictures and if you could retrieve the ancient picture .
You don't want anymore OEM Lite On drives , ok i understand .
You could ask for a Retail Lite On drive replacement but they are out of stock ( will you trust them when they 'll say the'll have them in stock in a week ? Should you ? ) . You could also have a replacement drive from other brands but i doubt it could be a good solution . This is their fault , they had not to put wrong pictures . If you can't find an satisfactory agreement with them for a replacement you should demand a refund ( and you'll return the drive ) . You could buy your drive somewhere else ( perhaps looking in buy and sell forum or asking advices ) .
See You Soon