I am new here and have a few questions about DVD Burners.
I am in the process of rebuilding my older computer, but I am about 2 steps away from the poorhouse so I am going at it very slow.
I am going to buy a new monitor and DVD Burner this month and the rest (MB, CPU, RAM, PS) next month.
1. My present MB doesn't have a SATA connection so if I buy a Burner with SATA is there a way to make it work? Such as an external enclosure with SATA connections and USB hookups? I have looked at external enclosures, but I am confused as to what will work with a burner so any links or model names/numbers would be appreciated.
2. Actually is there a noticeable performance difference between SATA or IDE?
3. Will all burners playback DVD's recorded on a standalone Panasonic VHS/DVD recorder and/or retail DVD's? I have used only Maxell, Memorex and Verbatim 8X for my DVD recordings.
4. Unlike most people I am not bothered by noise or slow burning speed so I would like a few recommendations of stable, trouble free burners in the $30.00 to $50.00 range.
That about covers my major questions, but if anybody has further input please do so.
Thanks so much for all help and info given,
Ken B.