Hello everyone.
I am currently experiencing problems with ripping DVD's and if you could help me, I would be very grateful.
Here's the situation: I pop my Spiderman Disk 1 DVD into my dvd rom.
It reads it fine and I can open it in PowerDvd to watch it.
I open DVD Shrink and I click back-up and do a full rip. I then rip the DVD onto my harddrive.
When I try to open the files from my harddrive using DVD Shrink, I get a region error.
I fix it using Ifoe edit and I open it again. It loads to the menu.
I click scene selection and I select a screen. The DVD restarts from the beginning.
I try to play a different scence, same result. When I try to just play the DVD, it still restarts itself!
What is going on? Am I doing something wrong??? Please help!