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Postby RJW on Sun May 01, 2005 5:30 am

It seems that more and more folks are getting there hands on it.
Let's summarize the results so far.

C't tested some dual layer -R's - I don't have the number yet but first signs on german boards say the followeing. Why was dual layer -R released ?
It's less compatible as +R (with book type) with the current DVD rom drives.

Erik Deppe made a post at cdfreaks - Also he claimes a great ratio of 4/13 can read the media.

YSS put some testresults up at his site again not that interresting.

Looks like I was right when I said don't expect anythign big when it comes to performance or support because Philips/MKM standard for +R was allready quite good. So the only good thing it might bring is lower prices.
But I don't see that one fast happening if MKM so far holds also this monopoly position.
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