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DVR-107D firmware 1.21 how do you roll it back?


DVR-107D firmware 1.21 how do you roll it back?

Postby Ravage on Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:28 pm

i upgraded my firmware oj my DVR-107D to 1.21 and now it screws up lots of cds and and wont even calibrate for my dvd's anymore when i attempt to burn......before i updated i was able to burn cds and dvds fine on the current meida i have (Hpinvent dvd+r 8x and 4x) but now it keeps going to a power calibration error....i went out and bought some Memorex DvD-R 4x dvd's...and it wont even redjaster that theres a disk in with those. i wanted to revert back to my old wireWare drivers 1.13 or 1.16 whatever i can beacuse atthis rate i might have to buy a new one which wouldb e waste of my money... if anyone could help me it would be gretly apreciated Thank you oh if u need more details please ask
Buffer Underrun
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Postby Ravage on Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:37 pm

Oh And i tryed installing an older FW but it wouldn't go it said 0 files changed you already have the lastes version
Buffer Underrun
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Postby falberni on Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:25 pm

You need to download the firmware from the following location. It has two files, one is a kernel that you need in order to go back.

Download this file:
DVR-107Dv1.18-RPC-1+12xRip nx4all.zip

From Here:
http://flashman.rpc1.org/Firmware/PIONE ... D/PATCHED/

You also need this flashing utility:

Get it from here:

You put the flashing utility, DVRFlash.exe, the DVDRFlash Shortcut, and the two files R7100007.118 and R7100107.118 in one folder. In Windows Explorer, right click on the DVRFlash shortcut file and click on properties. On the pop up window, click on the "Program" tab and check the "cmn" or the Command line. It should look like this:

DVRFlash.exe -vf G: R7100107.118 R7100007.118

In the above command line, "G" is the drive letter of my Pioneer 107D. If your drive letter is different, then edit the command line to show your 107D drive letter. Click "Okay" when done. Then double click on the DVRFlash shortcut and be very patient until done.
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:51 pm

Postby Ravage on Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:15 pm

i actualy tryed that already and it still didn't work wont read the hp dvd+R i have or at least keeps saying power calibration or internal error and i also tryed memorex DVD-R and a pro media Dvd-R but neather of those would even read
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2004 7:52 pm
Location: toronto

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